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Review - Killer Move by Michael Marshall

William Morrow,
Bill Moore already has a lot, but he wants more . . . much more.He's got a lucrative job selling condos in the Florida Keys, a successful wife, a good marriage, a beautiful house. He also has a five-year plan for supersuccess, but that plan has begun to drag into its sixth year without reaping its intended rewards. So now Bill's starting to mix it up—just a little—to accelerate his way into the future that he knows he deserves.

Then one morning Bill arrives at work to find a card waiting for him, with no indication who it's from or why it was sent. Its message is just one word: modified. From that moment on, Bill's life begins to change. At first, nothing seems very different. But when things begin to unwind rapidly, and one after another, people around Bill start to die, it becomes increasingly clear that someone somewhere has a very different plan for Bill's future. Confused and angry, Bill begins to fight against this unseen force until he comes to a terrifying, inescapable realization: Once modified, there's no going back.

This is one of those books about which I'd heard a lot of, which had received a lot of hype and so I was eager to read it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the first chapter.

It's very rare for me to leave any book unread. But when I lost interest before I'd read the first five pages, I knew this book just wasn't for me. First impression was in this a case a poor one, and it left a lasting impression on me. I've set this book aside and perhaps in the future, when I don't have a pile of much more interesting books waiting to be read, I'll come back to this book. Until then, it's bye-bye.

Note - This book was received for review/feature consideration.
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